mom 27th February 2014

I remember when you broke you wrist and I was out on a lunch date with your dad. We just happened to call mari and she advised me that James came to visit door, and she thinks his arm was broken. I told her that if his arm was broken she would know it. Mari said she really think we should come home. When he got to her house, his arm was on a pillow. When she picked up his arm his hand was just hanging on skin. I was afraid to take him to the doctor because I thought his hand would fall off. James looked at us and said "Am I going to die". At the doctor's office they advised us that both bones to his wrist were severed. They tried setting it 24 times but were unable to. They eventually laid the bones next to each other and told us that because of his age his bones were like cartilage and that they would eventually fused together and become one. He was in a cast for 9 months and the bones did fuse together and years later mother nature reshaped the bones to look normal.